Smooth Cactus Space – Terms of hire
1. The space may be booked, if available, between 06:00 and 22:00 for purposes as authorised by Smooth Catus.
2. Smooth Cactus reserve the right to refuse any applications for hire.
3. Smooth Cactus reserve the right to cancel any booking if it is determined not to be for an authorised purpose.
4. Should circumstances result in no longer being able to accommodate a booking on the original date/time, Smooth Cactus reserve the right to offer an alternative date/time, if suitable and available. Should the Hirer not wish to accept the alternative, the liability of Smooth Cactus is to return any deposit and hire charges paid to date.
5. The Hirer must be aged twenty-one years or over and be present throughout the event.
6. The Hirer shall not sub-let a hiring.
7. No event may continue after 22:00. and the premises must be vacated by 22:15
8. A period of 15 minutes prior to and post your booking, where possible will be available for setting up and clearing down. Should longer times be required, the booked time(s) must be increased to accommodate that and will be charged at the same rate as the hire, to the nearest 30 minutes. Times to be agreed at time of booking.
9. Ball games are not permitted in the premises
10. Hire charges are payable 4 weeks prior to the booking (or with the booking if that is made less than 4 weeks before the date of the hire). Smooth Cactus reserve the right to retain 100% of the hire charges for any booking cancelled, in writing, less than 7 days prior to the hire. Regular hirers will be invoiced at the end of each month. Smooth Cactus reserves the right to retain 50% of the hire charges for any booking cancelled, in writing, less than 15 days prior to the hire. Should, within 15 days prior to the event, the hirer require changes from those declared with the hire application which Smooth Cactus deem cannot be accommodated as unreasonable or not in accordance with the terms and conditions of hire and the hirer then chooses to cancel the hire, Smooth Cactus reserves the right to retain 50% of the hire charges (100% if within 7 days) if the booked period cannot be relet. Smooth Cactus cannot accept any liability for the cancellation.
11. The minimum letting charge for casual hires is the appropriate rate for two hours.
12. A damage/security deposit of £50 is to be paid, at the time of application, by the hirer.
13. All enquiries for booking and hiring should be made to and necessary arrangements will be made for access for hire.
14. At the end of the hire, the Hirer must ensure that:
• the premises are left in a clean condition. There are cleaning materials available under the sink in the kitchen. Broom and dustpan are stored in the coat cupboard in the main communal area. Please do not use water on the wooden floor, it can be spot cleaned in the event of any spills.
• all doors and windows are closed, secured and locked. This includes the main studio door and the external door.
• all rubbish and waste materials, including empty bottles, are taken away in bags provided by the Hirer. Penalty for not doing so £50.
15. Users will not alter any settings on the heating system, air conditioning, nor interfere with any fittings within the building.
16. Walls, doors and windows must be respected and not defaced in any manner. No permanent advertising or event notification banners or similar may be attached to any external part of the premises.
17. The floor and furniture must be protected if using painting materials, water, crayons, glue and similar teaching aids are used and their use carefully supervised.
18. All furniture must be carried and not dragged, and any furniture/equipment introduced by the hirer shall have adequate protection to ensure that it does not cause any damage to the floor and meets fire and safety requirements.
19. The Hirer shall ensure that any portable electrical appliances brought on to the premises are PAT tested, in a safe/good working order and are used in a safe manner.
20. All parking spaces are available for use by patrons of Borers Yard, please be respectful of your choice of parking location as this is a shared car park for numerous other businesses.
21. Smoking is not permitted in any part of the premises. “Premises” includes outside the main entrance to the building.
22. In the rare event of a church funeral coinciding with a hire, the Trustees reserve the right to require the Hirer not to engage in any activity outside the building for the duration of the funeral.
23. The Hirer is responsible for the cost of any extraordinary cleaning deemed necessary, also of replacing or repairing any damage to the grounds, the premises, its fittings, furniture, and utensils, including crockery, arising from the letting. Any such damage must be reported to Should such cost exceed the £50 deposit, the Hirer will be required to reimburse the excess to Smooth Cactus in addition to forfeiting the deposit.
24. Smooth Cactus cannot be held responsible for loss of, or damage to, the Hirer's property, nor for damage to motor vehicles, or their contents, left in the Car Park. Smooth Cactus cannot accept any liability for accidents incurred by, or damage to personal property of, users of the premises. Hirers must determine and arrange any insurance cover that their activities may require.
25. The Hirer must be aware of and comply with legal requirements for Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults.
26. The Hirer must be familiar with the Fire and Safety Procedures.
27. The Hirer shall ensure that noise levels are respectful and controlled to prevent nuisance to other users within the building.
28. If preparing, serving, or selling food, the Hirer shall observe all relevant regulations.
29. The Hirer shall report all accidents and near misses, using the Accident Book provided which is located XXXXXX, and advise of any incidents in writing, without delay, to
30. The Premises are not licensed for the sale of alcohol, and it is the Hirer’s responsibility to obtain all necessary licenses. All licenses must be provided prior to your event taking place.
31. A license is not required for the playing of music (live or recorded) but the Hirer is responsible for acquiring the necessary license to show DVDs, films or broadcasts.
32. During the course of a pandemic or other emergencies affecting the use of the premises, additional Terms and Conditions of Hire may be issued by Smooth Cactus, these will form part of these Conditions and must be adhered to by the Hirer.
33. Data protection – the information provided by the Hirer is solely for the purposes of effecting the hire and will not be shared with any third parties, nor used for any advertising or publicity without the express written permission of the Hirer. The Hirer permits Smooth Cactus to retain the information in a secure form, either electronically or as hard copy, to facilitate future correspondence. The Hirer may, at any time after all financial matters arising from the hire have been settled, request, in writing (which may be by e-mail) for the information to be deleted permanently from the Smooth Cactus database, whether in hard copy or electronic form.